What’s Stopping You? – 09/20/2021

Safety E-QuickTips

U.S. Compliance Systems, Inc.

Monday Sep 20, 2021


What’s Stopping You

  • ·I’ve been doing it this way for the past 20 years.
  • ·I’m young, in great shape and invincible.
  • ·I don’t want to be the one who everyone laughs at.
  • ·Safety is just common sense.
  • ·I don’t need someone to tell me how to work safe.

Over the years I’ve heard about every reason why people don’t need to follow workplace safety policies and procedures. I’ve also heard just about as many reasons from employers and management why they shouldn’t be responsible for employee safety.

But when I receive a call about a serious accident that could have been easily prevented by following proper safety procedures, everything changes.

We’ve always done it this way, feelings of invincibility and every other reason for not working in a safe manner are out the window. It becomes all about “What can we do to prevent this from happening again?”

I, like many other safety consultants and even OSHA, have answered this question the same way for years. “You need to implement a safety program that involves both employees and the employer.” What we should have been doing is asking a question . . .

What stopped the employees and/or management from using safe work practices that would have prevented the accident in the first place?

You see, even the best safety program put together without the support of employees and the employer has about the same value as that set of encyclopedias sitting on the bookshelf at grandma’s house.

So, here’s a couple questions for employees and employers/management.

Employee QuickTip

What’s stopping you from working safely? Isn’t it time for a change?

Employer/Management QuickTip

What’s stopping you from making sure the workplace and employees are safe? Isn’t it time for a change?

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Thanks for Reading and Please – Stay Healthy and Work Safe.