What Road Will You Take – 10/10/2022

Safety E-QuickTips

U.S. Compliance Systems, Inc.

Monday Oct 10, 2022

What Road Will You Take?

We all make choices in life and business – some good, some bad.

When we make good choices, life and business are good.

When we make poor choices, life and business are not so good.

So, why is it that most companies and employees continue to make poor choices when it comes to workplace safety?

Employees continue to hop the ladder rather than getting down and moving it a little to the right or left.This is an example I’ve used hundreds of times before because almost all of us can relate to it – even if it we weren’t the one hopping the ladder.

Employers continue to believe that workplace safety is just common sense, and they believe safety will take care of itself.

I understand that the safety route is less traveled because developing a company culture around workplace safety is a tougher road to travel, but it’s been said that the tougher the challenge, the greater the reward.

And when it comes to workplace safety nothing could be truer.

Another thing you’ve heard me say hundreds of times before is that a safe workplace protects Your Company’s Employees, Reputation and Profits.

One choice, 3 results that will ensure your company’s and employees’ future for years to come.

That’s a Win, Win, Win!Doesn’t get much better than that.

So, now that I have your attention, you might be thinking, “We’ve tried this before (maybe even several times) and it didn’t work.”“We don’t have a clue how to get started” or “I’m sure we’ll never get everyone, employees, or management on board with safety.”

All good excuses for not moving forward.

Being in construction for around 20 years before becoming a safety consultant, I understand that better than you could imagine.

But excuses never accomplished anything.What other venture within your business will ever give a greater return on investment, especially today with the shortage of employees?

So, for as many weeks as it takes, I’m going to provide you with a simple but effective way to develop a workplace safety culture within your company, one where employees and management work together to make it a reality.

If you want to learn more, see you next week.

Employee QuickTip

None of us wants to be told what to do, but when comes to our safety, it could be a good thing. Next time you are told you need to wear safety glasses, use a ladder correctly or anything else that protects you from hazards in the workplace, take a moment before you come up with a reason for not complying.

Employer/Management QuickTip

Compliance, often the last thing you want to hear about, helps prevent accidents in the workplace, protect your company’s reputation, and profits.

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Thanks for Reading and Please – Stay Healthy and Work Safe.