Only What You Need – When You Need It – 9/26/22
Only What You Need – When You Need It
As we discussed last week, workplace safety and compliance have really evolved over the years.
And although through its evolution it has found a way to prevent accidents and save lives, it has also become over complicated and frustrating for many to keep up with, company management and employees alike.
At times it often feels like workplace safety and compliance has become more about putting int the time and effort rather than focusing on its real value – preventing accidents in the workplace.
We’re putting in the time completing paperwork and training, but we’re not focusing on the here and now.
As I’ve mentioned in the past, maybe it’s time for a change.
That brings me to “Only What You Need – When You Need It.”
The first part – Only What You Need – focuses only on your immediate workplace safety and compliance need, helping to ensure you accomplish what you need to.
The reason for this is that over the years we’ve found when employers try to take on too much in the way of workplace safety and compliance at one time, they are setting their program up for failure, which can lead to accidents.
The second part – When You Need It – focuses on making sure you have what you need at the right time to prevent exposure to those hazards in the workplace and ultimately preventing accidents – the main reason for workplace safety.
Although the focus of “Only What You Need – When You Need It” is all about preventing accidents in the workplace, it can also be used for compliance purposes.By compliance purposes, I mean meeting regulatory, client and insurance requirements.
We’ll talk more about that next week, but until then focus your workplace safety efforts on “Only What You Need – When You Need It,” and you’ll see immediate results in helping your employees’ recognition of hazards and the prevention of accidents in the workplace.
Employee QuickTip
Focus each day on how to protect yourself from hazards that you could be exposed to that day. Don’t go thinking, “I’ve done it this way before and nothing happened,” and it will be a good day.
Employer/Management QuickTip
You can spend forever coming up with the perfect Safety Program only to realize that it will never be perfect, get frustrated and ignore it. Or you could implement your company safety program and improve it along the way, continuing to make it the best it can be.
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Thanks for Reading and Please – Stay Healthy and Work Safe.