The Choices You Make Today – Will Affect Others – 06/07/2021

Safety E-QuickTips

U.S. Compliance Systems, Inc.

Tuesday June 7, 2021


The Choices You’ll Make Today – Good or Bad – Will Affect Others

Where are you at in your work career?

Just starting out, halfway through or are you at the point where you’re considering retirement?

Considering where you are at in your career, take a minute and think about the value you place on workplace safety.

If you’re reading this and haven’t taken at least a minute and thought about it – please STOP and take that minute. I’ve kept this short, so you don’t have to rush.

OK, now I have just one more quick question.

Did you consider anyone else while you thought about the value of workplace safety, such as your:

  • ·Spouse or significant other
  • ·Children
  • ·Parents
  • ·Grandchildren
  • ·Grandparents
  • ·Friends
  • ·Other Relatives
  • ·Co-Workers

I hope you did because when it comes to workplace safety – it’s not just all about you.

It’s also about family and friends who are a part of your life as you move through your career. It’s about the effect it would have on their lives if you were to be seriously injured or even worse.

The next time you think about standing on “This is not a Step” on top of a step ladder or decide not to use personal protective equipment because it’s a little uncomfortable – please remember the value you place on workplace safety is not just all about you. It’s also about all those family and friends, too.

Employee QuickTip

When it comes to your safety at work, it up to you to make the right choices. If you choose to work in an unsafe manner and it leads to an accident where you are seriously injured, it will affect the lives of others.

If you don’t make the right choice for yourself – do it for someone else.

Employer/Management QuickTip

As you can see from the list above, a lot of people could be affected when an employee is seriously injured in a workplace accident.

Provide your employees the right tools to get their job done safely and help them to make good decisions when it comes to workplace safety. Their family and friends are depending on you.

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Thanks for Reading and Please – Stay Healthy and Work Safe.