What Did You Say? – 10/04/2021

Safety E-QuickTips

U.S. Compliance Systems, Inc.

Monday Oct 5, 2021


What Did You Say?

John had been in construction most of his life – 42 years to be exact.

His job had been good to him. He was able to buy a home in his 20’s, go to the beach every summer with his family, put his 2 children through college, and had set he and his wife up financially for a nice retirement.

Throughout his years in construction John was known by everyone he worked with as the guy who could and would do anything to get the job done.

John was 6’4”, about 240 and to this day still built like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Well, maybe with a few more wrinkles, but still built for a man of his age.

John started out in construction with his father and 2 uncles and they too would do whatever it took to get the job done. And back in the day, that meant doing just about anything, including forgetting about their safety. They had all the battle scars to prove it.

In fact, the conversations that took place at Sunday family meals was often more of a “let’s see who has the best close call story.” The great thing about all those stories was that none of them ended in anything more than a few stitches or a broken finger here and there. Broken fingers were never considered serious.

But today John wasn’t thinking about all the stories of the good old days. He was thinking about those Sunday meals where everyone joked about how his father and uncles were constantly saying, “What did you say?” because none of them could hear very well.

You see John was setting in the doctors’ office waiting to have his hearing tested because he was finding that he was hearing himself say, “What did you say?” far too often, and it was getting worse.

Well, the good old days had finally caught up with John. Gone were the days when hearing protection was more of joke and if you were caught wearing it, others would make fun of you. Because a “real man” would never do that.

Protecting our hearing is no joke. Exposure to loud noise is particularly harmful to the inner ear, so if you find you are being exposed, do your part and wear proper hearing protection.

Employee QuickTip

Hearing loss is one of those things that just kind of creeps up on you, but it can also be prevented. Learn more about how you can protect yourself from hearing loss before it’s too late.

Employer/Management QuickTip

October is National Protect Your Hearing Month, and we are providing our Noise Exposure/Hearing Conservation Online Training for FREE.

To participate, employees only need to be enrolled in the Noise Exposure/Hearing Conservation Training between October 1-31st, 2021. There is no limit to how many employees you can enroll in the course for free.

Go to uscompliancesystems.com and login into your account, click on the Online Training System and sign your employees up. If you are not a client, sign up for your free Online Training Account and start enrolling your employees in the free course.

Provide your employees the information they need this month to help protect their hearing for the future. 

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Thanks for Reading and Please – Stay Healthy and Work Safe.