What Decision Will You Make? – 6/27/22

Safety E-QuickTips

U.S. Compliance Systems, Inc.

Monday Jun 27, 2022

What Decision Will You Make?

Here’s another timeless blast from the past that just makes sense. I think you’ll see what I mean.

I was talking to a friend who is scheduled to have back surgery this week. When I asked how his back was feeling, he said he wasn’t in any pain and really hadn’t been having any pain but… he was told if he did not have the surgery, he would eventually be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

As I heard him say he wasn’t in any pain, I thought how difficult a decision to have surgery had to be. No pain today, and yet in a few days who knows how he’ll be feeling or how he’ll be inconvenienced for the next few weeks or months. As I said, it seemed like a tough decision.

But as I started to think about what he said and what the future would bring without the surgery, I began to realize maybe the decision wasn’t as difficult as it sounded.

I began to think, who wouldn’t go through some pain and even some inconvenience today to prevent a future in a wheelchair, right?

Then I began to think how this scenario related to workplace safety.

I thought, wouldn’t it be great if every employee looked at workplace safety like the way my friend looked at having his surgery? That they make good decisions each day to prevent accidents that could cause them serious injury and possibly put them in a wheelchair the rest of their lives or even something worse?

This would require them to do things like make sure they have the right tool for the job, use equipment in a safe manner, or decide to wear personal protective equipment, such as eye protection or head protection, when hazards warrant it – even if it is a little inconvenient.

For the employers, it would mean taking a proactive approach to safety, such as making sure all their employees are properly trained in workplace safety, making sure their employees have the right tools to do their jobs, and making sure that each employee understands that workplace safety is important to them.

How do you look at workplace safety? Do you understand the possible long-term consequences of making a poor decision regarding workplace safety today?

Employee QuickTip

Let’s make this week a safe one for everyone – do you part and make good decisions.

Employer/Management QuickTip

The decisions you make each day regarding workplace safety can go a long way in preventing or leading to an accident. Choose wisely. 

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Thanks for Reading and Please – Stay Healthy and Work Safe.